Monday, December 11, 2023

Cabinets begin to take shape

 Day 79: Framing out the first actual cabinet.  This one will hold the Fridge, Microwave, and provide some drawer storage.  Its a lightweight design with an internal frame which will get skinned with thin layer of plyboard.  This will be an extremely lightweight and strong cabinet.  The frame to ply sides distance is ¾ inch of open space which allows air flow from the floor to help cool the appliances.

Day 80:  Since the Microwave did not kill it lets add 3 times the weight with the fridge.  I have to admit from this pic it looks like a disaster weighting to happen.  However, it is already handling the weight without any twist or wiggle.  Once the skin is added the strength will double.

Day 82:  How to skin a cabinet, well the sides are skinned anyway.  Now the open gaps between the side supports are clearly visible.  That gap will provide a lot of ventilation for the fridge and microwave. 

Day 99: Next cabinet in development.  This cabinet is designed around our cooler.  It doubles as a bench seat and an electrical power wall.  

Added a window box thingy for additional storage and accent.  Also finished framing out the side. 

Day 103: Cabinets painted, and test fitted in place.  The heart break of fitting square cabinets into a round van.  It took multiple trips back to the shop to trim and fit to get to this point.  A square bench top lid beside a curved van wall creates hours and hours of entertainment trimming and fitting and trimming fitting and...

Day 106: With the bench seat / cooler / power center cabinet thing painted the wiring begins.  And takes forever to complete.  The teal and black electrical box is a DC to DC converter which will charge the house batteries as we drive.  The trick is this unit is placed in the front of the van but the batteries are way in the back so the wires have to run the length of the van.

This cabinet will add more bench seating plus it will hold our electronics complete with a charging station.

Day 107: Cabinets back in for another round of test fitting.  The circle of life is a never ending fit and trim.

Good view of the cabinet placement from the cab.  Also, bonus, passenger seat in the swivel position!

Day 113: test fitting the drawers and starting on the bathroom placement.  Drawers are such a pain in a round van.  At least 3 rounds of trimming and fitting before they would behave.  Fun fact, we originally planned for the toilet to be directly behind the driver's seat but, then we moved it back to fit behind the cooler cabinet and then it migrated behind the fridge cabinet and well we ran out of space for the migration.

Day 114: Checking out the cabinet face plate trim.  Only half dozen trips back to the shop and it fits like a glove.

Begin the panel glue up for the tabletop.  This was supposed to be a temporary fix but, it's still hanging around. Oh well it works.

Finishing the fridge cabinet drawers.  

Day 115: Finishing the Fridge cabinet drawer face plates.

Finished painting the fridge cabinet face frame.

Day 117: Fridge face frame and drawers installed.

Day 118: Drawer pulls installed.  Getting drawer pulls to line up required a custom jig.  So, like everything else estimated to take 20 minutes took 3 hours.  I like open cabinet drawers without the separator between each drawer wasting space.  These drawers take full advantage of all the available space the cabinet has to offer.

Well that pretty much completes the living room / den.

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