Saturday, December 16, 2023

I'm being Framed!


Day 14: With the ceiling done the framing begins!  The van has these huge window cavities for the passenger version of the van.  If we can build a box to insert into that recess, then a slightly altered queen size bed will fit snugly across her beam.  That is why we are boxing the frame around the window recesses.

Day 15: Electrical installation.  That drawing does not seem scary in the least.  But Just to be safe I reached out to my good friend and licensed electrician Goober.  Not that I am afraid to handle it myself.  I just don't want the wife to not worry.

Our installation will be simpler than most.  We don't plan to install solar panels.  Our travel plans are to spend nights in a camp ground with shore power, A.K.A the electrical grid, which will charge the batteries in no time.  Plus shore power means we can run our big honking air conditioner.  

We will boondock, camp in the wild off grid spaces, on occasion but most of the time we will be in the safe confines of a camp soaking up electrical amps and confident in the bathhouse as a backup toilette and hot showers. 

Fuse panel wiring seems pretty simple.  That who’s-it connects to that what-zit over that what-ya-ma-call-it.  Yes, this will be easier than I thought.  Looking forward to getting electrical going cause it showed up in the middle of framing.  Electrical will get installed later after the framing is complete.

Both windows framed and ready for insulation.  We can get started building the bed frame soon.  Which is a major prerequisite before any camping activity can ensue.  If you can't sleep in the stupid thing then it ain't much of a camper.

Day 16:  Build the window boxes.  These boxes will fill in the window recess to provide support for trim, wall boards and it will hold back the insulation.

It is basically just a frame with a thin door skin plyboard back.  There is no extra support for the back of the panel since it will be pressed to against the foam board insulation.  This was a lot more work than it looks.

Box #1 installed.  Behind that wall board is a piece of 1 inch thick foam board on top of 2 layers of the Reflectix insulation on top of the exterior wall.  The Reflectix is rated higher when applied over an air gap.  The windows have little additional recesses which provide the required air gaps.  

Both boxes are completely installed! Thanks to the additional 3 inches per side added by our boxes the mattress should fit like a glove.  A very tight glove in fact.

We will not frame the front of the van until later.  At this point we are preparing to take the van on its first long trip.  The highest priority is to get the bed frame and the electrical installed.  Everything else can wait.

That's all the framing for now.

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