Tuesday, December 19, 2023


 Back to work..

After the sub-floor was fitted we removed it and started working on insulating the floor.  It is like playing Jigsaw puzzle Insulating the floor ribs.  The floor has little ridges that I assume are there to stiffen the massive sheet of metal that makes up the floor.  We also Put down some hardwood to supports for the garage.  where cabinets and batteries will be secured.

After the ridge work was completed that gets covered with full sheets of foam board insulation.  Floor insulation prevents cold feet but also reduces road noise.  After the foam boards are fitted into place the next task to is seal the gap between the foam boards and the van walls with spray foam.
Sub-floor re-installed with the foam board insulation visible below.  Cans of spray foam waiting to create a big sticky mess.  Seriously, spray foam is extremely messy and it sticks to everything.  Floating floor board boxes are sitting ready to be cut to fit and installed.

Again with the mosquito netting to protect the workers from the onslaught of biting demons.  
We added a new drill press to the shop.  I always thought the "LASER" was a marketing gimmick but it is a game changer.  Making holes exactly where they are needed is quick and easy with the "LASER".

The batteries arrived!  That’s 270 Amp hours of boondocking badness! 
   We looked at several different options for battery power.  These batteries fit our requirements, are locally sourced, have Bluetooth monitoring, full BMS management and they are blue. Each battery is rated at 125 Amp-hours but the out of the box rating is really 135 Amp-Hours so that over the life time of the battery it stays over 125 Amp-Hours.  
   Have to give credit to Bill Plemmons RV World for helping us size and source the batteries and many other necessary electrical components.
    The electrical will be installed later under close supervision of my good friend and licensed electrician, Goob.  

Next post we tackle installing the Vent fan and air conditioning Unit..  




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