Thursday, December 7, 2023

Life's a drain

 Day 182: Time to begin testing of the plumbing components.  And this day marks the start of my drinking problem.

Day 184: We use CAD to design almost everything in the build.  CAD = Cardboard Aided Design.  Made cardboard template of the countertop.  Cutting the butcher block is another nail biter as we only have enough material to do this once.

Taking time to admire the beautiful board and flip a coin to see who cuts it..

The cut outs will be put to good use.  But its ready to finish and install.  Well, after several rounds of fitting and trimming.

Seems to fit.  Added the Sink and cooktop to test fit the entire system.

Day 187: Time to cut out a mount for the lighting controls.  Nothing fancy, I just need a small offset from the cabinet to make the switches more accessible under the table leaf.

Nice resulting fit.  Now just need to add a little flair since this looks pretty boring as is.

Cutting off the corners and using a rounding over bit on the router dressed it up a bit. 

Here it is mounted pretty low so you can see why the offset is a must. The black bars above are mounts for a folding countertop table leaf thing.

 Now that the counter top is completely sealed, we finished the installing countertop, sink and cook top.

Day 193: Purchased plumbing parts and some additional electrical stuff.  Guessing what is needed is not my talent.  A plumber could have gotten it right the first time.  We made more trips to the hardware store for plumbing than anything else.

Day 205: Installed a solid-state relay for the water heater.  This is a test location so I can see the LEDs on the relay and have quick access to all the wires.  Final installation will entail putting the relay in a receptacle box below the outlet and placing a blank cover over it with a couple of strategically placed holes to allow the LEDs to shine through.

The solid-state relay allows us to control the 110 volt water heater with a 12 volt signal.  This handy 12 volt activated switch will be connected to the controls system.  Which will allow us to control it from anywhere in the van as well as monitor it from anywhere.

That pretty much wraps up the kitchen cabinet.  We still have to fabricate the tilt out trash can but that will have to wait ..

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